Monday, September 8, 2008


The information listed is greatly appreciated and comes from Quiet Advocate

Here are the contact numbers:
Phone:  212-664-4444
FAX :    212-664-4426

According to today’s WA Post, MSNBC/NBC is removing Keith Olberman and Chris Matthews “as the annchors of live political events, owing to growing criticism that they are too opinionated to be seen as newutral in the heat of the president campaign.” This is a serious and frightening sign of more to come. While FOX can do a 24/7 biased reporting on behalf of the Republican Party, those who want to voice opinions other than theirs are silenced. This is simply not democracy. Yes, Keith Olbermann is at times emotional, and we know that. But that is what makes his show special. He is not afraid to speak up. Where would the investigation of Palin go without those voices? PLEASE call or write to MSNBC/NBC.

Ask for “Viewers Service Comment Line.” A recording will come on, and you can read your complaint.

If you avoid your true emotions (mad, angry, insane, etc.) and remain calm, you’ll be heard.

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